Terms and conditions

All services are provided by AED - Environmental Engineering. The general terms and conditions published on this site apply and

provided in a durable format to the customer in the act of beginning the provision of the service by AED - Engenharia Ambiental;

The offer disclosed through this site or other documents published by AED - Engenharia Ambiental is subject to change. AED - Environmental Engineering reserves the right to make these changes without prior notice;

Quality assurance

AED - Environmental Engineering is responsible for providing all services in the parameters of the quality system and in agreement with the established between both entities. The AED - Environmental Engineering uses technologies, technical partners and good practices to ensure the best service.


© 2013 - 2020 AED - Environmental Engineering - All rights reserved

No part of any web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying of printed pages, recordings, or any information storage, without the permission of AED - Environmental engineering. You can request the appropriate authorization by sending an email to geral@aed-engenharia.com